Focus on 3 main 2020 summer trends

In this article, you will discover unique recipes created by Pierre Fournier, Pastry Chief for our Sevarome brand.

The Granola Trend

Crunchy and indulgent, granola is back in force in our supermarket shelves for some time now. Focus on this product which is part of many of our breakfasts and snacks.

Often confused with muesli, the granola has the same base: a blend of oatmeal, nuts and seeds. The difference between both products is that the granola is baked with sugar (honey, maple syrup, etc…) and fat (oil or butter). The traditional mix is made with oatmeal, nuts, honey and dried grapes, but it is now possible to buy several declinations: coconut, cranberries, chocolates… It is even possible to decline the classic recipe in a savoury version: cashews, olive oil, cumin, red pepper…

The granola has been able to create a place for itself among supermarket shelves thanks to a rich, indulgent and complete combination of ingredients.

To illustrate this trend, our Pastry Chief has developed a very indulgent and premium recipe made with Organic oatmeal, grape seed oil, brown sugar and one of our natural coconut flavour.


The floral trend

Synonyms of sophistication, naturalness and discovery, floral notes are booming for some years now. At the beginning, botanicals were used in the infusion category: chamomile, verbena, jasmine are some essentials of this hot drink segment. They have largely been developed and are now present in different types of product categories: biscuits, sweet, dairy…

According to the article « Will Floral Flavors Take Root and Blossom? » (Innova Market Insights), the use of flowers and floral ingredients in food products and beverages are showed great growth, with a 8% CAGR from 2016 to 2018, worldwilde.

  • The most commonly floral flavours used in food and beverages are: hibiscus (25%), rose (22%) and jasmine (14%) (Global, 2018);
  • The three fastest growing floral flavours are cherry blossom (+ 38%), hibiscus (+ 31%) and linden (+ 25%) (Global, 2018).

Often used with fruit, these floral notes allow to bring a sophisticated signature and a touch of originality to many day-to day products.

Discover our two unique creations to answer this major trend:

  • A lemon-chamomile « iced religieuse » made with a natural lemon flavour and a natural chamomile flavour.
  • A strawberry-elderflower finger with a natural strawberry flavour and a natural elderflower flavour.


Ice cream: a category with multiple trends

Sun is finally here and supermarket shelves are almost full of novelties. Bruoyant market for more than 10 years, ice cream ranges constantly re-invent themselves in order to attract new consumers looking for innovations. Here are some major trends observed in this category:

  • Specific ranges: Vegan (made with different “milk” bases: almond, soy, pea, coconut…) and Organic references;
  • Appealing visuals: original and innovative colours and forms;
  • A lot of indulgence: blends of different texture with the addition of syrups, fruit preparation, inclusions and chunks (chocolate, fruit, seeds, biscuits and cereals…);
  • Original notes: botanicals (flowers, teas, aromatic herbs, roots…), peppery and smoky notes, fruit-vegetables (lemon-avocado…), exotic fruit and superfruit (cranberry, lychee…), hot drinks inspiration (latte Macchiato, Chai latte) …

Discover our selection of “signature” creations: green tea, verbena, coconut, salted caramel, liquorice…


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