Our offer

Nactis Flavours provides aromatic raw materials, flavours, aromatic and functional ingredients that bring taste to many products of daily life. We create unique components, essential for the food or aroma industry and catering and restaurant businesses.

Always listening to trends and markets, our offering is meant to be your source of inspiration and innovation, moving toward more natural, biological and clean label products.

Our custom offering also caters for your specific needs.


Aromatic raw materials

Derived from organic synthesis or specific treatment natural raw materials, these unique products inspires the flavourists and aroma blend producers.

They give their products a highly sought after olfactory signature.

Discover our aromatic raw materials


Complex assemblies of aromatic raw materials, flavours show the expertise of Nactis flavours in the creation of sweet, savoury and smoky flavours.

With unlimited creativity and an orientation toward the natural, our wide range is the perfect match to the expectations and specific constraints of each customer.

Discover our flavours

Aromatic and functional ingredients

We offer our food industry specialists a wide range of customised technological blends for flavouring, texturing, colouring and preservation of their products.

Our original and inspiring solutions give priority to ease of use, natural products and ‘clean label’ products for a controlled formulation cost.

Discover our aromatic and functional ingredients

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