Nactis Flavours supports artisans

Nactis Flavours want to provide the best service to artisans specialising in sweet and savoury dishes by adapting to their needs. Our high-end products comply with your technical, regulatory, logistics and economic constraints: everything is designed to offer you high quality turnkey solutions.

The performance and added value of our products was recognised by faithful customers over 50 years in our Sevarome and Prochar brands.



sevarome prochar

Artisans from the sweet food industry, particularly pastry chefs, bakers, biscuit makers, ice cream makers, chocolate makers and confectioners, Sevarome is proud to accompany you and share in your passion since 1964 with the best of flavours and ingredients for all your gourmet creations.

Butcher-Pork butcher artisans and catering professionals, Prochar has supported you for more than 50 years with aromatic and functional solutions suitable for butcher and culinary preparations.

The Sevarome touch

Find out about the Sevarome range dedicated to the sweet food industry (industrial and non-industrial alike): flavours, aromatic ingredients, nut pastes and prepared pastes, stabilisers, texturers, and food colours…

Our products are tested in our application laboratory to sublimate your products.

Find out about Sevarome’s expertise

The Prochar touch

Find out more about Prochar’s aromatic and functional solutions: marinades, fillings, cold meat seasoning and culinary aids…

The quality of our ingredients stems from the meticulously selected raw materials, combined with a research and development effort. Prochar’s core concern is keeping up with the market and meeting customers’ requirements.

Find out about Prochar's expertise

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