Yssingeaux obtains FSSC 22000 certification

After Furdenheim, Schoten and Bondoufle, our Yssingeaux site obtained FSSC 22000 certification last March. Following the renewals and monitoring of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, this certification reflects our quality guarantee.

But what is FSSC 22000 certification?

FSSC 22000 certification is the leading global food safety standard specifically catering for the manufacture and processing of food products and ingredients. Based on the ISO 22000 standard, this certification combines the shared requirements of distributors and manufacturers in terms of food safety. The FSSC 22000 standard is intended for all manufacturers and companies involved in food processing who want to implement systems that ensure the continuous supply of safe products.

What are the aims of the certification?

  • Demonstrate our commitment to food safety
  • Strengthen and make the HACCP approach more reliable
  • Guarantee our customers that we use good hygiene practice guides
  • Protect our customers with quality products
  • Strengthen our continuous improvement approach


Finally, FSSC 22000 certification improves food standards and thus restores consumer confidence in food safety.


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