
Complex assemblies of aromatic raw materials, flavours show the expertise of Nactis flavours in the creation of sweet, savoury and smoky flavours.

With unlimited creativity and an orientation toward the natural, our wide range is the perfect match to the expectations and specific constraints of each customer.


Top Notes

Our products :

Spicy and brown tastes (vanilla, cinnamon, caramel, pepper, chili…)

Fruity tastes (citrus, red fruits, superfruits…)

Cocktail tastes (Mojito, Caïpirinha, Piña Colada…)

Milky tastes (cream, butter, fresh milk, cheese…)

Fine pastry tastes (Chantilly, strawberry tart, rum baba, Tiramisu…)

Traditional and authentic tastes (culinary dishes, sauces…)

Technical culinary tastes (grilled, fried, caramelized, wok, roasted, braised…)

Surf and turf tastes (meat, fish, surimi, shellfish, aromatic herbs…)

Thermal Process Flavours

Meat flavour base offering a round and culinary specific note (duck, beef, red meat, poultry…).

Smoke Flavours

Natural flavours with smoke taste : collection of natural flavours with smoke taste allows to enhance flavours and / or provide a unique smoke signature while maintaining a «natural flavour» labelling.

Specific flavour range



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